Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Musings of a Self-Absorbed 1L: Part Two

1. Busy is the word. Run, Read, Class, Read, Run, Sleep. <--- add tweeting and food in there and I swear you have my schedule. One good thing? I am never bored.

2. I broke with up with the boyfriend. I could sit here and list a million and one reasons but truth of the matter is that I was looking for an escape since the moment I said yes, I'll be your girlfriend. I think he is an amazing guy. I loved our time together and I think it was great because we had no expectations past the summer. Or rather- I had no expectations so I ignored any signs he was showing. As usual I becoming emotionless elmira and realize that I'm trapped and want out. It's not fair to say that I always get claustrophobic in relationships- but if I get in them to make you happy.... it's going to be a problem. I've got to stop doing that! Anyhoo- we both realize that if we were to do the relationship we need less stressful life roles. Either I need to go back to my old job or he needs to become a houseboyfriend. Since neither is happening any time soon- ciao.

3. As to my **ahem** emo-ness this week. My bad yo. Sometimes I get caught off guard by people and you get to hear about it. Consider it a privilege. Caught off guard and drunk are often my clearest moments. Which I will later deny if ever asked.

4. Eff the socratic method. If you call on me once and I have the answer- MOVE ON. I swear I'm lucky I'm cute cuz today would have been awkward.

5. Although my 2nd bff getting married this week is a little unsettling- there are some FINE dark skin men in the 2L and 3L classes. Oh how old habits die hard :)

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