My friend "j-full" as he likes to be called did an interesting blog on
why men cheat so as reformed serial cheater myself I thought I'd toss in a short version of why women cheat.
1. We're better at it than men.
On a whole I think we've mastered down the spy techniques that men so foolishly run into and we use those to make sure we don't leave tracks. Up until my last relationship (the only guy I've never cheated on- smh) I was a master at cheating with someone and not getting caught til guilt got me and I called myself out... but that brought up something else
2. There are no repercussions.
Every guy I cheated on never dumped me. They all needed time to "think things through," or they got angry, or they wanted answers but nobody ever sat my behind down and said - pack ur ish up and leave.
3. Because we can.
thick lips, hips, tits, ass like a mofo.... we don't have to stand outside for longer than 3 minutes before a member of the male species comes up to try and take us somewhere. And that's without trying. You thought Beyoncé was lying when she said she could have another you in a minute? oh trust- it's not just Lady B.
4. Revenge.
Back in my younger days I dated a little fellow who had cheating in his genetic blueprint and I decided that he wasn't going to be the only one dipping off (although he was sexin ladies and I was still a virgin)... he made his bed. And I took the opportunity to lay in it.
5. He's not fulfilling his obligations...
Sometimes your man just does.not.get.it. He can be perfect in every way but in the bedroom. You can train him, guide him, shoot tattoo instructions next to the va-jay-jay and he still underperforms. So- women will slip out to get someone to adequately slip in.
6. In either form.
Sex can be emotional for a woman. No surprise there. It establishes a connection between herself and her partner. So if a mate is not at home making that emotional connection with his girlfriend/wife don't be surprise if she seeks out ways to get this connection- yup in the physical.
Now i'm not rationalizing and saying that cheating is right for any reason but as a young'n I've been there and hopefully I'll never go back.