I don't want to be alone. I don't think anyone does... but I'm a work in progress and I do wonder if by the time I would have finished some of my "self help" projects that it'll be too late to get on the married and have kids bandwagon. Between the discussions on twitter, with my friends, and on various other blog sites throughout the cyberworld I have to wonder if I should just be setting myself up to deal with failure. When I was younger I staked out the "forget love and emotions" territory as a means of protecting my heart from the heartbreak that rolls through high school... now I'm thinking I might have to re-enact that by believing that I can get all my needs from my career. You know, as a back up. Like if my love life doesn't work who cares because I have my career! But then I wonder if it's a double edged sword. If I get so thick into my career that I miss the opportunities of love that await me... even the unfinished/work in progress me. I could just not think and just do me and see what happens....
but we all know I can't just let that happen.
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