Hope everybody had a fabulous halloween...
I realized today that while my blog's main purpose was to make my snide and sarcastic remarks about the general state of relationships and dating I don't actually share any of the dating I do. Mostly because I don't do it lol. But I think things are starting to pick up a bit after meeting Mr. D (not that kinda d!) and the re-introduction of Terence.
So I'll give you a teaser as we plunge into this the next few weeks:
Mr. D. Met him tonight (yes tonight lol) at the club. I don't normally give my numbers to guys I meet at the club and by don't normally I mean never unless you throw the party and I need the hookup. He however was very polite, VERY cute, and from outward appearances seemed to have his sh!t together. And he was dressed like Carlton- who doesn't love Carlton? So he sends me a text after the club to let him know that I've gotten home safely. And when I let him know? He quickly hit me back to say that he wants to take me out this week wherever I wanna go. Ladies and Gents- I think we have a pledge :)
Finally Terence, won't go into too much because I think I addressed it in a previous post. But lately he's been pouring (more like soaking me) on the hints about how he's interested in being a pledge (in my dating sorority of course!). In addition to the other day, he makes little comments that warrant a different kinda pause and actually make me feel uncomfortable. I know that he's a sensitive soul, he just hasn't really been the most sensitive with me, so when does the sensitive thing it gives me goose bumps. Anyhoo we've been having a lot of long conversations about life and how things have changed and we're making plans to do dinner next weekend so erum- this will just be something to see. I know a lot of my friends are either very excited to see what happens or hoping that I'll gather the strength to push him into the Atlantic.
So those are the two I'll try to keep yal updated on every once in a while...