I haven't had a long list of partners- in fact I don't even need a pair of hands to count them on but I don't think that means I'm inexperienced. I guess that really comes down to whether your consider quantity over quality or even your definition of 'quantity' (partners? amount of times doing the do?)...
This being said I can easily identify the all-stars and the one that needs to be benched for the rest of the season (i.e. LIFE). One of my guy friends protested my ability to make a ranking system of guys, some mumbo jumbo about being ethical and being the best "for the moment" - bah. But I think it's pretty universal that you can know whether or not a partner deserves a standing ovation or a razzie award. Now I can't say for sure that I can put an a-z ranking order on guys but I can tell you the valedictorian and the college drop out. And for guys who think this is unfair (I'm not going to say it's because you've been ranked at the bottom of the totem pole...) just think about what it means for your success. If Katie and Keesha hadn't heard about your skills from the streets do you still think you'd be getting those "thronx me tonight" text messages and honesty box posts? No. They know because somebody told them that you were good at what you do. On a biological note rankings exist for the same reason stereotypes do- your brain just can't take the information overload. So you brain categorizes to simplify and make life easier for yourself for future reference. Think about it, if you weren't able to mentally assign some score to your sexual partner would u know whether or not to have sex with them again? once again- nope. You should be thankful for that.

So if I need to call Tio for that spine re-aligning BBO or Kingston for his tear producing tongue skills than so be it- don't blame me, blame my evolutionary mental faculties.
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