"I should crack you right in your forehead...
Let me take a breath and regain my composure
Told you one more time if you f'd up it's over"
- "It's a Wrap" Mariah Carey

Now I'm not saying it's a trend or anything but if you let the male members of our species get away with something - they will continue to do it. Give em an inch and they will run a mile like Usain Bolt. I don't mean to stereotype because there are some very reputable young men working hard to clean the path that their fellow brethren have sullied- those just never seem to find their way into my dating history.
Last night I received a 3 part text message concerning the revelations of an ex(mumble*mumble) who realized that he had been treating me wrong for x amount of years and I'm a good person, smart, beautiful yada yada yada. That having seen me recently reminded himself of where he went wrong in the past and could we please find some time to hang out and talk.

** insert blank stare here**
I don't even know how to go about responding to this. At this point nearly 24 hours later I haven't still. Like what the hell? You think you can play the disappearing act- check in once in a while an think that suddenly because you've had an epiphany that I'm suppose to thank my lucky stars that you've decided I'm good for dating right now. GTFOH.
To make things worse guys like to act like this world isn't small enough already- just like how you've figured out when I start dating so that you can make your "check up text messages," I know about your failed attempts to get at her, her, and yes I even know about her. So please hunny save the second best- i choose you speech for somebody who has never met you before. And spread the word- women are on to you and your kind.
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