Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Men with Girls- and the women that like them.

I met this guy over the weekend and it was like **boom** a click as sharp as a seatbelt. He was fine. We didn't necessarily agree on everything but I liked that. We were able to just chat and chat. He made me laugh repeatedly. He smelled amazing when he leaned in to give me a hug (all three times) and errr did I mention he was fine. We exchanged numbers... it was good. And pow. I find out he has a girlfriend.

In another corner of the world my friend Tara knows this guy and knows his girlfriend. He's consistently downplaying his relationship and Tara keeps trying to keep her foot from stepping in the bullsh*t. One late lonely night and it's a cuddle session and the two of them only know what else.

Finally, Laura has been sleeping with Ben for at least two months and that was six months into their relationship. Two weeks ago Laura heard from some friends about Ben's fiancee but she hasn't been able to help herself- she's still seeing him.


What do all of these ladies have in common. They've fallen for guys who are unavailable. Now I'm sure the first one (my personal situation) is not that big of a deal. He's just one guy LMS- surely you can fix yourself up and find a replacement. Sure. I'm certain that's true (although he's been on my mind like crazy) but that doesn't fix the bigger issue at hand...

There is something wrong with these guys in a relationship and something not so right with the girls that like them.

I'm not sure if it's the overabundance of girls, the sundress phenomenon, or the inability of some humans to love just one other human but somewhere along the lines guys have just not been able to hold tight to the faithfulness that a relationship requires. I'm sure it happens to women too but this #swindle is just for my fellas this time. Why is it that it's not enough to just want to be with your girl but to need to wind other girls into your twisted scheme? Why not just say -errrrm- end it with your girl and find something else to occupy your time until winter? Are you worried that when it's time to hibernate your snow bunny won't be around anymore? I mean I just wish somebody could explain it to me. I'm not talking about the guys who meet someone platonically and they are so much of a fit for you that you just want to leave your significant other but there is something that's keeping your bond together. Nope- not yal... although there's a special place in karma hell for ya. 

I'm talking to the men who have what they need and just want the extras around because they can. Or she's pretty. Or better yet are afraid to commit. What.is.the.deal.

And my ladies. my laaaaadies. Are we that hard off that we can't help but think of/dream of/sleep with these guys who have made commitments to other women. Wouldn't you be mad if some chick was scheming on your relationship? I wish I had the answers to these. I wish that right now I wasn't feeling the "eff karma and eff your relationship- I want you" feeling that I have right now. I wish that this entire post wasn't a message to me but it is.



  1. CUTTHROAT ISLAND!! I already told you lol. In all seriousness, you make good points. I don't want to make any blanket statements about the lack of respect for relationships (from inside and outside parties) but that's the root of this issue. I read somewhere about a woman that only dates married men because "they are capable of making commitments" she never once considered the fact that them stepping outside of his marriage is breaking that commitment. It all boils down to understanding your worth and your standards. CUTTHROAT!

  2. Girllll, I feel your pain. I was really disappointed with myself when I was briefly considering trying to get in with somebody else's man #nohomewrecker. Then I used my brain and realized that wouldn't be poppin'. #lesigh
