Monday, April 26, 2010

Lessons from Gossip Girl

Now I will be the first to admit that television is not always a source of good advice- especially a show about the lives of the rich/bored/dramatic. Tonight however Blair said something Chuck on Gossip Girl that resonated with me- that you can't pretend like an event/relationship/emotion never happened. You won't move on and moving on is about you not him(or her). Sometimes it's ok to cry and revel in a feeling for a while and then when you're ready to move on- do it. I couldn't both agree more whole heartedly nor feel a certain renewed sense of self.

weird I know right?

I think I've been refusing to deal with the fall out from my feelings by simply telling myself that they don't exist. But they do exist and ignoring them is only repressing them. I may not cry about (i've tried- i'm dry as an old well) but I can't sit around and pretend like he didn't exist or wasn't a significant portion of myself. I've got to face it- the good and the bad and prepare to use that to fuel me to move forward. Being stationary right now is just as bad as moving backwards. And that ladies and gentlemen is TRULY all I am going to say about him.

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