I promised that I would introduce you to the group that I call my team so without further adieu

Terence- My Point Guard.
He's the MVP of my squad. The person who if I lost due to injury (probably caused by me), illness (my friend Jeremy would also agree probably caused by me), or retirement I'd probably be most crushed by. He's been around the longest on the team and seems to hold some special somewhere deep down inside my loins . The issue with him is that I have no clue where the future will take us- if it will take us anywhere further than deleted numbers, ignored fb chats, and blocked aim screen names. We'll see- he might be benched- permanently.
*Yes I know Mike is SG not a PG...

Barack- My Shooting Guard.
He's the one that has my girls fired up. He's the one that everyone is watching to see where things go from here. We went to high school together and I thought he was so cute, smart, and funny and of course going places. This fact confirmed by him being hailed by the New York Times as the next Barack Obama.. and let's be serious- what Michelle isn't looking for her Barack? We've kept in touch sparingly but I saw him a few weeks ago at a party and it was like it never stopped. Occupying my time, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close so we could talk, slow dancing. It got me teased mercilessly by my girls for being boo'd up in the club but it kind of reminded me what being with a gentleman felt like. Anyhoo we keep in contact a lot more now and have plans to get together quiet soon. Woots.

Cliff Huxtable- The Power Forward.
He's sexy, he's going to be a doctor, he's sexy, he's social, he's sexy, he's giving- did I mention he's sexy? Geeze Louise he's sexy. And Little Miss Sunshine girlfriend approved in 14 states, Europe, and Asia. He also is going to med school next year in Chicago (+++++) so naturally we'd be the Cliff and Claire of Chicago. Nothing sounds better than that to me. We have a lot of mutual friends and hung out a while back but it wasn't until he spotted me the other day on the expressway and made major moves to get my attention that I remembered him (shame on me for forgetting something that fine).... Then while I remembered his face I couldn't grasp his name. I tried to have my friend do the fake switch (i.e. hey this is my friend Amanda, Amanda this is [have boy insert name here]...) but another mutual friend saved us as I snatched her aside to get his name. Now all is good in la la land and um lunch tomorrow- most certainly!

Rupert - Small Forward
I couldn't sleep right if I didn't include the most significant ex that I've had as part of the team. He'll always be there for me and I for him but seeing as he's playing overseas most of the time he doesn't get top billing. Our history is long (4.5+ years at this point) and complicated (rosetta stone was easier to figure out) but for now it's just not the time and I often question if the timing will ever be suitable to all parties involved. But we still talk nearly daily and we sent each other x-mas gifts (which everyone who knows what they were say they were both too personal) and I still count him amongst the greats :)

Georgetown- The Center
He's not really tall but Georgetown will tell you he's the tallest of them all. I named him Georgetown because I met him where else? Georgetown in DC. He's incredibly smart and incredibly arrogant (me like me like) and a total man whore but there's just something about him that keeps him on the roster. It's kinda like cookies- you know you shouldn't but they are just so damn irresistible. We'll keep an eye on this one but it's certainly not a high priority.
Of course I keep a few benched players... most of them are actual prospects but more like good times. KA- an old/current hookup, 10- a cute, smart, youngin, "Peter,Peter" - hehehe good fun, and of course my Sugar Daddy- he told me to call him that one day out of anger but just to annoy him I'm keeping it permanently.
I'm going to tone it down and become a one player coach soon but until that happens- play on. play on.
I'm all over the Kevin Garnett photo. You know this!