So I tried out for trial team at school...
So I decide that I'm going to give it my all. I'm the prodigy of a courtroom shark who trained under the greatest wordsman the courtroom has ever seen (hint: if the glove don't fit....)- this is in my geeeenes.
So I sit down that weekend, do some research and come up with the greatest opening known to man for the prosecution. Rather the greatest opening for the greatest opening. I'm so ridiculously proud of myself for that paragraph of hard work that I decide to leave it alone... this should of been a sign no?
So I tried out for trial team at school...
So we get our first schedule and I'm like oh...shit. I do defense first. Have I even thought of defense? Of course not! I'm the Jack McCoy of the courtroom not the sleazy Gloria Allred. So I sit down and prepare myself to focus. I'm determined to work through my propensity to be distracted by shiny things... grab a glass of merlot and get to cracking. And there. there is the most genius work every written (by a sloshed 1L on a saturday evening before a monday trial). So all that is left is memorization. I get entirely too excited right now because after years of acting if it's something I can do well it's memorize.
welp... apparently not.
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