Nothing is forever except for change. There will come a day when the sun ceases and everything we've counted on as being forever is gone. Earth is just a freezing rock in a new orbit.Relationships are also not forever. They do not exist beyond a time space continum and there at not many that exist a lifetime. As human beings we live our lives in fluidity allowing one change to flow into the other as time moves forward and rarely do we think of the effect of daily changes has on us.
How every microchange shifts our macroviews. I've been spending sometime thinking about how I've lived my life worrying about the macro and ignorning the micro. I'm a details person by nature but in love- I want to see the big picture. I want to see the finish puzzle: house, kids, jobs, us. I spend so much time worrying about how to get the pieces in the right place that I ignore what the pieces are. I lose sight of the afternoons spent sitting in between his legs on a grassy hill learning words in Afrikaans and receiving kisses on my forehead for every word I repeated correctly. Essentially I neglected to understand how every one of those pieces help create the big puzzle...
And I might of lost a great love because of it.
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